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Category: Alcohol Abuse

  • Person breaking free of chains

    Breaking the Stigma of Addiction

    November 15, 2023
    The stigma of addiction refers to the unfavorable judgment, bias, and discrimination that society frequently attaches to people who struggle with substance use. It can lead to feelings of shame, isolation, and hurdles to seeking treatment, making recovery even more difficult. In this blog post, we will delve into the stigma surrounding addiction and explore…
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  • Man smiling in class type setting

    Detox for Men

    October 30, 2023
    As a man, you may experience substance use differently than women, and these differences can influence the detox process. Social and psychological factors, withdrawal symptoms, and level of social support can all contribute to the experience of quitting alcohol or drug use. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the gender-based barriers for men…
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  • group of women in therapy session

    Detox for Women

    October 15, 2023
    As a woman, you may experience substance use differently than a man, and these differences can influence the detox process. Social and psychological factors, hormonal changes, metabolism, and body composition can all be variables to consider when attempting to quit drinking or drug use. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the differences in…
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  • Senior and a nurse

    Detox for Seniors

    September 30, 2023
    The idea that someone's age can disqualify them from detox or make detox less effective is untrue and even deceptive. During medically supervised detox, a patient's withdrawal symptoms are managed, and any potential medical concerns are addressed to make the patient as comfortable as possible while withdrawing from substances like alcohol or opioids. In this…
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  • Executive Bedroom at Restored Path Detox in Dallas.

    Executive Detox in Dallas, TX

    September 15, 2023
    Restored Path Detox is DFWโ€™s premier location for sophisticated medical detox. Conveniently located in Frisco, we provide a safe sanctuary for healing that is also a state-of-the-art detoxification facility for a wide range of substances. Our compassionate physicians and therapists want you to get well and are committed to removing any existing barriers to your…
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  • therapist treating veteran

    Detox for Veterans in Dallas, TX

    August 30, 2023
    There are veterans of every foreign war since World War II who live in or around Dallas. Each one of them had to adjust to civilian life after their active-duty years ended, but not all of them have been able to avoid the harmful effects of heavy drinking or drug use. In this blog post,…
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  • Upset girl hiding from her parents fighting

    Link Between Alcohol and Aggression

    August 15, 2023
    Someone whose consumption of alcohol and aggressive behavior coincide may not be aware of how their drinking is affecting the people around them. The specific aggressive behaviors can vary depending on the individual, their personality traits, the circumstances, and their level of intoxication. In this blog post, weโ€™ll discuss the link between alcohol and aggression,…
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  • health insurance paperwork

    Does Health Insurance Cover Detox?

    July 30, 2023
    The cost of detox may be a substantial obstacle for those without insurance or with limited financial resources. The financial demand could discourage some people from seeking detox services, or cause them to postpone or forgo treatment entirely. In this blog post, we'll explain the role of health insurance coverage in seeking treatment to begin…
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  • male lying on sofa and looking at wristwatch with alcohol on table

    Am I an Alcoholic? 5 Warning Signs

    July 15, 2023
    Identifying warning signs allows for early intervention, preventing the progression of alcohol-related problems. Also, recognizing warning signs raises awareness about the potential risks and dangers associated with alcohol misuse. In this blog post, we'll identify and describe five warning signs that will help you understand the severity of your drinking problem. Am I an Alcoholic?…
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  • Drink bottle and glass with alcohol content. Image of translucent skull in glass.

    Is Alcoholism a Disease?

    June 30, 2023
    Some people believe that alcoholism is a choice. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that a scientific understanding of addiction does not support this perspective. This viewpoint is often shaped by the stigma of addiction and the misconception that addiction is caused by personal flaws or a lack of character. Recognizing addiction as an illness…
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